1626 - Krishna Namasankirtan Vol - 7 | Sri Sathya Sai Bhajans
#KrishnaSongs #Bhajans #Inspirational #bhaktigeet
00:00 - Giridhari Lal Shyama Gopal
04:00 - Kalyana Krishna Kamaneeya Krishna
08:57 - Nanada Gopal Nanda Gopal
12:43 - Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
16:35 - Krishna Bhajo Krishna Bhajo
19:35 - Chitta Chora Yasoda (Baba Sings)
“The Name of the Lord has vast potentiality. Once Jnanadev and Namdev together walked across a forest tract, and both were afflicted with unbearable thirst. They discovered a well, but they found no rope or vessel with which they could draw the precious liquid within reach. It was a deep well with no steps and the water was far beneath. Jnanadev, who had attained Brahmajnana, identified himself with a bird that flew down the well and drank its fill. His thirst was quenched that way. Namadev called upon the Lord by name; the Lord answered; the water in the well rose; yes, rose, until he could reach it with his hands and slake his thirst.”
Such is the power of Namasmarana!
Let us enjoy “Krishna Namasankirtan Vol - 7”
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