PM Trudeau announces affordability measures as caucus retreat concludes – September 14, 2023

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivers remarks and holds a news conference as the Liberal party’s three-day national caucus retreat wraps up in London, Ontario. Housing Minister Sean Fraser and Industry Minister François-Philippe Champagne also speak with reporters. As part of a suite of measures aimed at addressing the housing shortage and high cost of living, the prime minister announces his government is removing the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on the construction of new rental apartment buildings. The loan repayment deadline for small businesses that received the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) during the pandemic has been extended by one year. The heads of the largest grocery chains will be called to come to Ottawa with a plan to address higher food prices. The government also plans to introduce amendments to the Competition Act to enhance competition across the economy, with a focus on the grocery sector.
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