Harmony of YIN & YANG | Spiritual Energy Balance & Flow | Deep Healing 432Hz Meditation Sleep Music

We may identify with a particular gender, but we’re all born with both Yin and Yang energies. This specially composed music for meditation and/or sleep in the natural Earth frequency of 432Hz, combines both masculine energy and feminine energy frequencies. It is here for you to lovingly help you balance and harmonize your Yin and Yang energies ☯️ If you enjoy my music and would like to support me, you are welcome to subscribe to my channel 🤗 Hit the ((🔔)) to turn on notifications and receive the latest Inner Lotus Music! We all have the potential to lean more towards one polarity or the other. The divine masculine energy, also referred as “Shiva”, deals with logic, structure and planning aspects of our life, whereas “Shakti” the divine feminine energy, deals with our emotions, intuition, dreams, creativity, a.o. When these energies are not in balance, we often feel underva
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