Trhä - community t​á​lcunnana d​ë​hajma tun dejl b​ë​natsë abcul​’​han dlhenic ëlh inagat, jahadlhë adrhasha indauzgl​ë​n nu dlhevusao ibajngra nava l̴

The arrival of the third full-length by the ever mysterious and brilliant, Trhä. Full titled “tálcunnana dëhajma tun dejl bënatsë abcul’han dlhenisë ëlh inagat, jahadlhë adrhasha dauzglën nu dlhevusao ibajngra nava líeshtamhan ëf novejhan conetsë danëctsë kin, ëf tu dlhicadëtrhënna bë ablhundrhaba judjenan alhëtangrasë shidandlhamësë inkom“, quite a mouthful of name, Trhä continues the expansion of its cryptic path with this mysterious language, which certainly accompanies its growth and solidification as one of the best acts of recent times. After last year’s “Endlhëtonëg“, undoubtedly one of 2021’s highlights, Trhä might have just been able to surpass itself with this outstanding and beautiful record. “tálcunnana“ is a single track album which, despite incorporating all the elements that characterized Trhä in all its previ
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