(27 May 1997) Russian/Eng/Nat Russia’s President, Boris Yeltsin, has vowed to scrap all warheads aimed at the West after Russia and NATO signed a new cooperation pact. Yeltsin’s surprise announcement came after he and President Clinton signed the pact, which gives Moscow a seat at the NATO table. White House officials say they’re analysing Yeltsin’s statement to determine just what it means. The so-called “Founding Act“, signed at the Elysee Palace, clears the way for NATO expansion. Clinton says it creates a new NATO to go with Yeltsin’s new Russia. Calling it “a victory for reason“, Yeltsin put his signature to the landmark accord along with the 16 Western allies. He said the agreement will determine the new quality in the relations between Russia and NATO and help promote stability throughout Europe. SOUNDBITE: (French) “Our agreement is a success for Russia, for the Atlantic Alliance, and for Europe. But it is above all and before anything a success for peace and also a big sign of hope.“ SUPER CAPTION: Jacques Chirac, French Prime Minister SOUNDBITE: (Russian) “Mrs Albright put a lot of effort with her Russian counterpart, Minister Primakov, in preparing this treaty. Today, after the signing of the treaty, I want to announce my decision that from this day on, all of our warheads will not be aimed at any of the countries which I can see represented around me.“ SUPER CAPTION: Boris Yeltsin, Russian President SOUNDBITE: (English) “For this new NATO will work with Russia, not against it, and by reducing rivalry and fear, by strengthening peace and co-operation, by facing common threats to the security of all democracies, NATO will promote greater stability in all of Europe including Russia, and in turn that will increase the security of Europe’s North American partners the United States and Canada as well.“ SUPER CAPTION: Bill Clinton, U-S President SOUNDBITE: (Russian) “This document gives optimism to everyone in Europe, including Russia.“ SUPER CAPTION: Boris Yeltsin, Russian President Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
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