Two wolf pups in a den in northern Minnesota

Enjoy this video from the Fawn Crick den last spring! Wolf pups will start being born any day now and by the end of April they will be the size of the pups in the video. This footage—with the sunshine, greening up of vegetation, and wolf pups—makes us long for warm sunny spring days in the field. Luckily, those days will be here soon enough. You can hear the pups’ mother trying to coax the pups out of the den, likely to provide food, using a whimpering/whining vocalization. This vocalization is used pretty frequently by breeding females even after the pups are a few months old—or at least we have quite a bit of trail camera footage with female wolves using this vocalization throughout the summer. The Fawn Crick Pack only had 2 pups last year, one of which survived to mid-summer. After mid-summer we did not get any footage of wolf pups in the Fawn Crick territory indicating that the litter likely failed (i.e., both pups died). Learn more about the Voyageurs Wolf Project: Website:
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