UFO over Oakland, California.

Witness description: “My wife and I were outside our home when I noticed a light coming from the west. At first, I thought it was a plane until it paused in the sky twice and change direction. I asked her to video her to record it on her phone. The object then headed towards our direction almost over head. It then went back to the western part of the sky heading east and the light dimmed so much, so we thought it disappeared, but I just made out that it was still there, and it shot up at a high rate of speed. As I was still observing that part of the sky, two more objects tree top level reddis...h orange flew by left to right extremely fast. We were able to record the first object, but the latter two were not expected. If you look closely and use the power lines as registration you can see the movement of the object. Also included are two pictures of the area during daytime for reference, and we still have the original footage on the recording device. Sorry we couldn’t get the two others. Really amazing. No sound could be heard from the object such as a drones motors. A side note I personally started seeing strange things in the sky objects pass over and started to pay more attention to the sky. Certainly not my first sighting but my first report.“ Source: mufon Filmed in Oakland, California. 4/23/2020, 9:08 pm. Many thanks to the author of the original video. You can share the link to this video on social media. The Best UFO sightings filmed by me: More UFO videos: Recommended video: Incredible UFO over Cuba. Other playlists: UFO, OVNIs, UFO 2024, OVNI, UFOs, НЛО, Flying saucer, OVNI 2024
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