Thanks for watching. SUBSCRIBE for more strength & muscle videos. It’s a tough game, not everyone can handle it. Shout out to all females who’s competing and going hard year after year. I also managed to catch up with IFBB PRO Tonia Moore and hear her opinion about bodybuilding. PS. As I mentioned clearly in the video 1:30 the athlete unfortunately had to stop her routine because of a cramp NOT because she was about to pass out. She injured her medial soleus after landing with her feet. This athlete is maintaining a very healthy and fit lifestyle today, respect! #Olympia​ #bodybuilding​ #IFBB​ #arnoldsportsfestival​##arnoldclassic​ #strength​ #physique​ #figure​ #big​ #women​ #strong​ #muscular​ #msolympia​ #wingsofstrength​ #tampapro​ #WOS​ #womensphysique #fitness #gym #workout #fitnessmotivation #motivation #bodybuilding #love #training #fitsporation #fitnessmodel #fit #workout #in
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