Oy Da Ne Vecher - Pelagea - Russian to English Translation/Ой, да не вечер - Пелагея - перевод

I do not own the copyright to this music or video. I have subtitled it in colloquial American English for the benefit of those who are learning the Russian or English languages. **** Tonight’s output from Translation Station: I translated this song performed by Pelagea, “Oy, Da Ne Vecher“ - “Oh, What an Evening.“ The video is of her performance at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. This is my own translation and not any official translation, although there are many translations of this song. It is actually an old folk song based on the story of a Cossack who was drawn and quartered in the 17th Century. The song itself was written in the 1800’s. This is quintessential Russian folk with a modern twist which is reminiscent of The Eagles “Hotel California.“
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