BATTLE ROBOT “VIKAT“ - Last episode 1.2 - READY TO GO - ROBOLAHING 2020 - Battlebots build
4 months
of hard work - design,
drawing, cutting of details,
electrical work, finishing
#robot #battlebots #robotwars
RC World of Model - Facebook Group
The robot weighs 55kg.
Most details are machined from Alumec aluminum.
The rotating weapon is made of steel and hardened before painting.
Electronics boxes are 3d printed.
The weapon has a 5kw brushless motor. Voltage 50v. Starting current 100A
The wheels have a 4x Evolve skateboard brushless motor.
The electric motors are controlled by a 5x VESC controller.
There are 3 receivers in total and three sets of batteries.
All parts are made with CNC machines, mainly with HAAS bench. In addition, water cutting was also used. All drawings are drawn by the “VIKAT“ team.
If you are interested in the drawings, you can download them here:
Weapon 5kw brushless motor: