All new Cucumber-JVM 5 with Enhanced Cucumber Expression | BDD

In this video we will discuss the all new Cucumber-JVM 5 released couple of weeks before which was in RC version for couple of months now. Cucumber-JVM 5 has an exciting new way to work with Cucumber Expressions within Step definitions. In this video we will also discuss an all new @DocStringType annotation and working with DocString steps Cucumber-JVM 5 Changelog - Cucumber 4 new features - Advanced framework development with Java (Udemy) - #cucumber5 #cucumber #executeautomation To learn more from ExecuteAutomation, please subscribe and check out below playlists of FREE courses Selenium and C# ************** C# for automation testing - Selenium with C# - BDD with Specflow - BDD with Selenium - Selenium .NET Core - Selenium and Java *************** Cucumber with Selenium (cucumber focused) - Cucumber with Selenium Cucumber 4 Upgrade - Selenium Grid - Selenium framework development - Selenium 4 - Selenium Grid with Docker - API Testing ********* API Testing with RestAssured - API Testing with RestSharp - API and Database Testing in C# - Puppeteer - E2E with Cypress - CI/CD with Microsoft Technologies Azure DevOps Service 2019 - TFS 2015 - TFS 2015 Build System - Automated Build deployment - Build Deploy Test with Jenkins - Docker ****** Understanding ABC of Docker - Understanding Docker for Windows - Selenium Grid with Docker - Kubernates for Testers - Mobile Testing Understanding Appium - Appium with C# - Appium with Java - Appium with C# (Advanced) - Appium Framework development - Mobile Automation testing with - Android automation with Robotium - Flutter app automation with Flutter Driver - TestProject - Katalon Studio - WinAppDriver - Angular Automation - EAWeekly -
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