Protesters being arrested in Republic Square center Armenia NOW!!!!Scouts of the Russian Armed Forces destroyed a Leopard tank t

Protesters being arrested in Republic Square center Armenia NOW!!!!Scouts of the Russian Armed Forces destroyed a Leopard tank transferred to Ukraine with an entirely German crew consisting of servicemen of the German Armed Forces. “When we stopped their “meat” assault and captured Leopard, we moved towards the burnt equipment in the hope of taking the “talker”. And we discovered that the tank driver was seriously wounded, and the rest died. The mechanic, when he woke up and saw us, began shouting “nicht shissen” (don’t shoot. - Ed.),“ said the group commander. The driver of the damaged tank said several times that he was not a mercenary, but a Bundeswehr soldier and the entire crew from one company. This is a lot more serious of an incident than first meets the eye, as German regular army soldiers are killing Russians in Eastern Europe once more. Источник: Patrick Lancaster News Today
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