It’s Time | Half-Life 3 Trailer

First time seeing the channel? I’m HALF PEEPS (aka peeps4321 or Samuel). I make video game animations here on YouTube, mainly using SFM (Source Filmmaker, animation software running on Valve’s Source game engine) and S2FM (Source 2 Filmmaker, the updated version of SFM running on Valve’s Source 2 game engine). Most of my videos are related to Valve Software (mainly Half-Life and Portal) but don’t be surprised if another franchise pops up occasionally. Starting YouTube back in 2013, in 2020, I hit my first 1,000 subscribers (took me long enough, I know...) and subsequently hit 10,000 in 2021. My ultimate goal is to reach 100,000 subscribers. As unrealistic as that may be, I would love it if you subscribed and joined me on this journey! I hope you enjoy the content! Источник:
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