Human Soul To Incubus · Transformation Incantation Mantra (ASMODEUS) (1 Hour)

Human Soul To Incubus · Transformation Incantation Mantra (ASMODEUS) (1 Hour) *Additional material to the ritualistic work Magick audio, 1 Hour. Satania´s asmodeus Incubus Channeled sigil. Mantra/Chant: Dro Vestu Soh´Zur Rokht Zaruggah. · Sexual transformation (soul/aura/subconscious/energetic fields/astral shape) · Energetic essence of the soul alchemy, Incubus transformation · Astral body transformation · Sexual appetite / Tastes expanded / Perversions / Others This soul alchemy´s power words, procedures and sigils are channeled from Asmodeus by our coven. During this transformation: Additional changes and mystic signals may appear (related to sex, tantric practices, own pleasure, vampirism, demonic obsession and others) Best results: (Rituals & Meditations) · Gaze at the eye in the sigil (For Sigil Work) · Full Moon Nights · Cinnamon, Lavender (or other “aphrodisiac“ incenses) · Deep work of Grounding control &
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