Heavy Glow (Youngr Bootleg)

If I had told younger Youngr that one day he’d do a remix of his favourite band and that band would approve it and allow him to release it... I think his tiny mind would explode! There are only a handful of people who truly know my love for the Red Hot Chili Peppers... I started out playing drums in a tribute band when I was 13! So... The idea that Anthony, Flea, Chad and John received an email asking them to approve this remix from some dude living in Wales remixing a mashup of all their songs dancing around his bedroom studio like a banshee... And then listened/watched it.. and APPROVED it... IS F**KING WILD. I still stand by the fact that I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing... I just think I’m getting a bit better at creating things I truly love, and when something like this happens... It’s just a nice little pat on the back! So aaaanyway, my Red Hot Chili Peppers approved bootleg is now out on all steaming platforms. It’s called ’Heavy Glow&#
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