GMV MEP - Saskatoon

Thank you for watching, make sure to like, comment and subscribe for more ! Editors & Games Part 1: Waleed Hashmi [MGS The Phantom Pain] Part 2: Cindy Auditore [The Elder Scrolls - Dragon Age Inquisition] Part 3: xStorybrookeQueen [The Last of us] Part 4: KihonDensho [Assassins Creed 3] Part 5: sirjeranreturns [Hitman: Absolution and GTA IV] Part 6: vildanprodz [Dishonored - Bioshock Infinite Part 7: TheKShow100 [Fallout New Vegas - FEAR - Wither 3] Part 8: HirasCassidy Drake [Assassin’s Creed IV
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