Selena Gomez Fights With Raquelle Stevens and Cries Over Justin Bieber: My Mind & Me Recap + Review

My Mind & Me is here and there’s lots to discuss. Is Raquelle Stevens a bad friend? Why is Selena Gomez crying about Justin? What did she reveal? You’re at the right video because both of us join together for a sit down to discuss Sel’s new documentary. Sending Selena love and health! #selenagomez #mymindandme #justinbieber #raquellestevens Video Chapters: 0:00 intro 1:43 - Selena crying, industry pressures 5:06 - Where it all goes downhill 8:08 - Texas 10:10 - AMAs 11:52 - Raquelle Stevens - is she a bad friend? Their fight 14:44 - Selena hates promo 16:33 - Raquelle & Selena Fight PART 2 COMING SOON! ✮Juicy Articles to Read ✮ The Problem With Selena Gomez’s Documentary, My Mind and Me: Justin Bieber, Fighting With Raquelle Stevens, Getting Angry At A French Interviewer Exposing How Selena Gomez R
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