Cenk Torun and Mahassine Merabet interview for Günaydın on Sabah TV, February 2024 (Part 1/4) [Subs]

Hello, everyone! I will try to translate the remaining parts, but it will take time. The interview is long and there is a lot of text. I translate it because I like them and the series! I do it in my free time for fun, so I don’t know exactly when it will be done. I’ve added quite a few languages, but write in the comments if you want me to add another one. The interview is truly fascinating! I hope you’ll enjoy this part! Esaret Official YouTube Channel: @redemption_tvseries You can watch the full interview in Turkish on Günaydın channel here: #esaret #redemption #cenktorun #mahassinemerabet #esaretinterview #esaretenglish #orhun #hira #orhundemirhanlı #hirademirhanlı
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