Color Graphics Adapter - The Chase is still going on (Full Story)

At sunset the chase continues for hundreds of miles along the coast. And so, still manages to escape from the pursuit and get lost in the traffic of the interstate. After a few hours of driving the car slid down a dirt road and disappeared over the skyline. After filling up the tank, I looked into the distance, where the clouds of dust were getting closer and closer. I turned the ignition key, foot down on the pedal, and the car started like a beast. Breaking away from the pursuit, I reached the railway station. I left my car behind the corner of the station and ran inside. Just at the last moment I managed to buy a ticket for the last train that left today for the north. I jumped from the platform to the step of the carriage and looked at the horizon. In the distance, from the direction of the desolate plain, clouds of smoke could be seen — the chase was still going on. The train began to move and rushed to the end point of it’s route, leaving behind the old station, and perhaps
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