Псалм 53 на арамејском - Psalm 53 in the language of Christ

Псалм 53 на арамејском језику којим је говорио Господ Исус Христос пева Архимандрит Серафим из Грузије. .................................................................................................................... Psalm 53 in the language of Christ, singing father Archimandrite Seraphim of Georgia Those living in Georgia with access to TV will have noted the recent media fascination with Georgia’s Assyrian minority living in Qanda village, close to Mtskheta town. This has been driven to an extent by the charisma and vocal talents of the priest of that community, Father Seraphim, who has made numerous media appearances and has multiple videos on Youtube of his choir in Qanda’s church, who sing in Aramaic and Georgian. The ancestors of Qanda’s population came to Georgia as refugees in the 19th century. While they were Christians, they were not of our Eastern Orthodox communion. Over time, they accepted baptism into the Georgian Church and were accepted as an Orthodox parish with the dispensation to con
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