Honour For Field Marshal Jan Smuts AKA Smuts Honoured In Holland (1948)

Leiden, The Netherlands (formerly Holland) HONOUR FOR FIELD MARSHAL JAN SMUTS. The doctorate of honour is granted to Field Marshal Jan Smuts in St. Pieters Church, in Leiden. Princess Juliana and Prince Bernhard, ministers and members of the Diplomatic corps are present. L.S. Elevated, interior of church. M.S. Smuts arriving in church for the ceremony. M.S. Front view Juliana and Bernhard arriving. Smuts shakes hands with them. . General scene in side the church. L.S. Elevated shot ditto. M.S. Side view Vice Chancellor Professor Van Oven opening the ceremony. . Side view, Smuts seated betwee...n Juliana and Bernhard listening. Audience in background. M.S. front view ditto. M.S. Ditto. Elevated general scene in the church. . View of audience between church pillars. M.S. Side view Professor Van Bemmelen the promoter of the honour speaks (in Dutch) . Smuts listening. L.S. Elevated, general scene. M.S. Professor Bemmelen speaking. M.S. Audience rising to its feet. M.S. Elevated scene round
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