Footage Proves Female Songbirds Can Sing || Профессорка Наоми Лэнгмор о сексизме, мизогинии в науке и новом поколении женщин-учёных

It was once thought that only male songbirds were capable of song, but these birds proved that wrong. Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed it! ​ **More info & videos below** “Attenborough’s Wonder of Song“ premieres May 3, 2023, at 8|7c on PBS. --------------- For full NATURE episodes, check out Facebook: Twitter: TikTok: @pbsnature Instagram: ----------------- Nature is a production of The WNET Group for PBS. Throughout its history, Nature has brought the natural world to millions of viewers. The PBS series has been consistently among the most-watched primetime series on public television. ----------------- It was once thought that only male songbirds were capable of song. However, in 64 percent of all songbird species, the fe
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