Germany Mourns (1935)

Full title reads: “Germany mourns. Impressive ceremony for those who fell in the Great War“. Great State Opera House, Berlin, Germany. Various shots of General Werner von Blomberg (Minister of Defence) giving speech from podium draped in German flag (with military cross on). Behind him stand soldiers holding colours of each regiment that fought in World War One. The soldiers dip the flags as sign of mourning. Panning shot of opera house auditorium. People stand in silence, some do Nazi salute. M/S of Nazi dignitaries saluting from balcony draped in swastika flag: General Hermann Goering, Field-Marshal von Mackensen and Adolf Hitler. Panning L/S of exterior of opera house where battalions of soldiers and crowds of people wait. Various shots of Hitler and von Mackensen reviewing the troops. We see the Chancellor and the Field-Marshal hang medals onto regimental colours. They then watch as a large wreath with swastikas on is laid on grave of unknown soldier. M/S of Hitler and von Mackensen, wi
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