The Palestinian child Ahmad Samar, from Yamoun village in Jenin, has died, his father was forced to carry his son himself into J

The Palestinian child Ahmad Samar, from Yamoun village in Jenin, has died, his father was forced to carry his son himself into Jenin Government Hospital because the Israeli occupation army is blocking the movement of ambulances during the ongoing Israeli invasion of the city. وفاة الطفل أحمد محمد سمار من بلدة اليامون، بعد تعّذر نقله إلى مستشفى جنين؛ بسبب إعاقة الاحتلال لتنّقل سيارات الإسعاف، حيث نقله والده مشياً على الأقدام قبل الإعلان عن وفاته Источник: 🇵🇸 Eye on Palestine
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