ENLİL is a smart vertical axis wind turbine project that transforms highways into renewable energy sources by using the dynamics of the city. It also provides comfort and safety to the city thanks to the build-in sensors and an intelligent platform. By placing the hybrid vertical axis wind turbine (inclueding a solar panel on top of it) on highways, ‘’Metrobus-lines’’ and other transportation lines as well as high-rise residences , ENLIL will generate energy by using the winds created by the vehicles aswell
2 years ago 00:11:56 1
NEXT-LEVEL Road Technologies You Must See !
2 years ago 00:02:29 1
Fregat - Lançamento de Satélite Kondor-FKA (Roscomos, Rússia, Maio 27, 2023)
2 years ago 00:01:33 1
Fregat - Transporte/Elevação/Plataforma de Lançamento (Roscomos, Rússia, Maio 22, 2023)