The Global Sex Calculation

The war on carbon calculation balances the exchange of yin and yang, the male and female energies. It’s set up to include astrotheologically “sacred“ numbers including 4. 7, and 33, the final answer. These numbers symbolize the material, the spiritual, the relationship between the sun and the earth, and the ultimate in spiritual attainment. One example of this philosophy comes from The Sensual Manual, a 20th century adaptation of an ancient Chinese sex instruction manual: “...the man and the woman must act according to their places under the sky. Man must press forward and woman yield. Yang must come from above and Yin receive from below. Only in this manner will the mating resemble the relationship of Heaven and Earth.“ However, planets don’t act the same way as people in that they won’t change to fulfill our expectations of them. The “as above so below“ maxim creates some extreme contradictions when we attempt to use an oven to describe the behavior o
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