Tab & Backing Track (more tabs on my Patreon!):
I don’t know. The first one was really fun and there were a lot of songs left over from it and it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while.
The idea from the first one (seen here: was that I wanted to do something that forced me to do one take live on camera in a way that had never been done and that would really push me to memorize a lot. I’ve always been very bad at memorizing music and also overcoming recording anxiety and this kind of a project felt like the best way to hit it head on. Here were the rules I set out for this medley:
1. 50 Video Game Songs in 3 Minutes.
2. One take, no edits.
3. No songs can be taken out of their original keys.
4. No repeated IPs and no repeating ones from the first video (I know there’s a few Mario games, I feel like they can be considered different though?)
5. Each melody must end with the first note of the next melody.
6. Flesh out a cohesive backing track for it.
7. Make a tab.
THE BIGGEST REASON FOR THIS VIDEO, is that I was super proud of the first one I did but one of the most consistent comments was that the songs didn’t have enough time. I figured 3 minutes might be a bit better but with the songs I had left over, it was almost impossible to arrange them with these rules in a way that didn’t have a few songs that went on for a long time. This caused some of them to have to be cut super short like the first video.
I did my best and am still proud of it. I’m very excited to play this live alongside the other one at shows since 50 Songs in 2 Minutes has been my favorite thing to play live lately. Hope you enjoy it, and if you don’t, I’ve got more stuff coming soon. Thanks for listening!
0:00 - Duck Hunt - Theme
0:03 - Contra - Jungle
0:08 - Paper Mario - Goomba Road
0:11 - Batman Batman (NES) - Streets of Desolation
0:15 - Shantae - Water Town
0:17 - Persona - Velvet Room
0:21 - Mii Channel - Theme
0:23 - Assassin’s Creed - Theme (Ezio’s Family)
0:26 - Age of Empires - Theme
0:32 - Xenoblade Chronicles - Gaur Plain
0:36 - Shovel Knight - Strike the Earth
0:39 - Super Meat Boy - Battle Lil Slugger
0:41 - Risk of Rain - Coalescene
0:44 - Bravely Default - That Person’s Name Is
0:47 - Undertale - Hopes and Dreams
0:51 - Wave Race - Theme (Chorus)
0:56 - Star Fox - Corneria
0:59 - Lufia II - Sinistral
1:01 - Doki Doki Literature Club - Theme
1:06 - Yoshi’s Story - Yoshi’s Song
1:09 - Necrodancer - Disco Descent
1:12 - Shadow of the Colossus - Revived Power
1:15 - Punch Out - Theme
1:18 - Braid - Downstream
1:22 - Splatoon - Splattack!
1:25 - Conker’s Bad Fur Day - Great Mighty Poo
1:28 - Overwatch - Victory Theme
1:33 - Rhythm Heaven - Glee Club
1:41 - Nier Automata - Amusement Park
1:48 - Touhou - U.N. Owen Was Her?
1:53 - Super Hexagon - Focus
1:55 - VVVVVV - Passion for Exploring
1:59 - Dr. Mario - Fever Theme
2:02 - Elder Scrolls - Dragonborn
2:05 - Earthbound - Home Sweet Home
2:07 - Mario Kart - Rainbow Road
2:10 - Duck Tales - Amazon
2:14 - Perfect Dark - Institute
2:17 - Grand Theft Auto - GTA4 Theme
2:20 - VA-11 HALL-A - Every Day is Night
2:22 - Fallout - Theme
2:24 - Guilty Gear - Holy Orders (Be Just or Be Dead)
2:28 - Civilization - Baba Yetu
2:32 - Fire Emblem - Together We Ride
2:35 - Kid Icarus - Dark Pit
2:38 - Okami - The Sun Rises
2:42 - Bayonetta - Mysterious Destiny (with Lyrics)
2:47 - Golden Sun - Isaac Battle
2:50 - Street Fighter - Guile Theme (SNES)
2:55 - Final Fantasy - Victory Theme
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Proudly endorsed by:
Ernie Ball Strings ()
Schecter Guitars ()
Lead Guitar: Ernie Ball Majesty Monarchy Series
Check out all of the equipment I use to make videos here!
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