Ukraine 1941 ▶ Unternehmen Barbarossa - West Ukrainian Prison Massacre (1) by Soviet NKVD (June 41)

132 Ukraine 1941 ▶ Unternehmen Barbarossa - Great West Ukrainian Prison Massacre (1) by Soviet NKVD and GPU (June 41) Part 1: Sambir Самбір and Drohobytsch Дрогобич; Oblast Lwiw Lviv Lemberg Photos by German “Ortskommandantur 700“ / Heeresgruppe Süd German History Archive ▶ The NKVD prisoner massacres were a series of mass executions of political prisoners carried out by the NKVD, the People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union, across Eastern Europe, primarily Poland, Ukraine, the Baltic states, and Bessarabia. After the start of the German invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, the NKVD troops were supposed to evacuate political prisoners into the interior of the Soviet Union, but the hasty retreat of the Red Army, the lack of transportation and other supplies and the general disregard for legal procedures often meant that the prisoners were executed. Estimates of th
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