Linux Command Line Tutorial For Beginners 36 - tar command to Compress and Extract Files

tar — The GNU version of the tar archiving utility use tar [-] A —catenate —concatenate | c —create | d —diff —compare | —delete | r —append | t —list | —test-label | u —update | x —extract —get [options] [pathname ...] DESCRIPTION Tar stores and extracts files from a tape or disk archive. The first argument to tar should be a function; either one of the letters Acdrtux, or one of the long function names. A function letter need not be prefixed with ``-’’, and may be combined with other single-letter options. A long function name must be prefixed with —. Some options take a parameter; with the single-letter form these must be given as separate arguments. With the long form, they may be given by appending=value to the option. ★★★Top Onlin ... #ProgrammingKnowledge #head_command #tail_command #whatis_command #which_command #kill_command #top_command #sudo_command #mv_command #linux_tutorial 20170110 MlElVQffEts
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