How to Pronounce /ŋ/ (ng) as in ’sing’ - American English Accent

Learn how to pronounce the sound /ŋ/ as in ’sing.’ Learn important tips and correct mouth position. Compare and contrast similar words with /ŋ/, /n/, and /ŋk/. Practice saying words and sentences with this sound with an American accent. Explore my playlists for more great videos. To donate, please go to Please help me translate this video. You can translate a little or a lot. Every bit helps. To translate, click on the three dots below the video (...) . Thank you! Starting times for sections of the video: 0:41 How to make /ŋ/ 3:24 Which letters make /ŋ/ 5:39 Notes 9:45 Practice words with /ŋ/ 15:51 Compare words with /n/, /ŋ/, /ŋk/ at end of word 19:51 Compare words with /n/, /ŋ/, /ŋk/, /ŋg/ in middle of word 22:08 Sentences Confusing English Words Word Practice English Vowels
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