Hello, can you tell me which one is the male fly

Flies don’t always exhibit obvious physical differences between the sexes that are easily discernible to the naked eye. The sex-related dimorphism (differences in appearance between males and females) can be quite subtle in many fly species. However, here are some potential ways a male fly could sometimes be identified compared to a female: 1) Size - In some species, the male flies are slightly smaller than the females. 2) Eye size/spacing - Male flies often have larger eyes that may appear closer together or even touching. 3) Abdominal patterns/coloration - Males sometimes have slightly different color patterning, especially on the abdomen. 4) Claspers/genitalia - Males have external reproductive organs used for mating that may be visible upon very close inspection. 5) Behavior - Males are sometimes more territorial or engage in distinctive mating behaviors like swarming or lekking displays. Without being able to observe characteristics like these, it’
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