How to Make Fermented Red Rye Malt at Home|@RyeAvenue
How to Make Fermented Red Rye Malt At Home | For Breadmaking And Cooking
Fermented rye malt could be added to your bread recipe (30-60g per loaf ) to your morning cereal, soups, salads, vegetarian, or meat stews.
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Fermented red rye malt strengthens the immune system, increases resistance to harmful environmental factors, cleanses the body of radionuclides, normalizes blood composition, and improves digestion. It is useful to use for anemia, postoperative recovery, and high physical exertion. The active components of the product inhibit the absorption of carbohydrates and control the production of insulin, stabilizing blood glucose levels, which makes it a valuable product for diabetics. The composition of malt includes a diverse range of biologically active components that give it unique beneficial properties: a complex of amino acids - needed for muscle growth and tissue renewal; oligopeptides - are involved in maintaining the constancy of the internal environment; simple sugars - improve the functioning of the digestive system, are a source of energy; omega-3 and -6 fatty acids - optimize metabolism, suppress inflammation; minerals - are involved in many biochemical processes; vitamins A, C, H, E, F, group B - regulate all chemical reactions; phospholipids - needed for the construction of cell membranes; enzymes - catalyze the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins and fats from food; phytohormones - slow down aging.
The recommended amount is from one to three tablespoons a day.
Not recommend for people with acute gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, and pancreatitis. It should also be avoided by people with severe gluten intolerance.
Darnitsky Rye Bread Recipe:
You can purchase rye berries and food grade hydrogen peroxide here :
0:00 What fermented red rye malt does
0:23 Soaking process and tips
1:18 Sprouting protocol
1:54 Fermentation process, temperatures, and duration
2:45 Hoy to dry your malt
3:12 Preparing for storage
#fermented #rye #malt #breadbaking #homebaking #pumpernickel #blakryebread #ryebread #lowglycemic
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