Men From Kent Honour Forest Fire Victims (1949)

Full title reads: “Bordeaux. Men From Kent Honour Forest Fire Victims“. Cestas, Near Bordeaux, France. MV Sun filtering through smoke clouds. Tree in foreground pan down to GV of fire. MV Trees burning. LV travel shots showing burned out countryside. LV Paul Ramadier and Henri Queuille walking over towards the bereaved women. CU Woman sobbing in crowd. MV Queuille consoling a man. SV Woman wiping her eyes. MV Elevated British firemen and Royal Air Force (RAF) personnel and French firemen. MV Closer shot of above. SV British firemen in front of French flag bearers. SV British fireman laying wreath. CU Bereaved woman. CU British wreath. LV Funeral service. MV Priests kneeling. SV Bereaved woman. SV Man wiping eyes. CU Crying woman. MV Coffins being carried to cemetery. MV Mourners walking through cemetery on way to grave. MV Mourners walking through cemetery towards grave. CU Angle shot of cross. MV Burial service. CU Crying woman being comforted. LV General view coffins being lowered. FILM ID:
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