Sarayasign - “Hope And The Sorrow“ - Official Music Video

From the album THE LION’S ROAD. Buy or Stream: | Subscribe To Frontiers Music Srl YouTube Channel: Filmed, directed, edited and produced by: Joel Nilsson @ Lyrics: I feel you deep inside of me, I hear your whispers in my sleep. How can I bring you back to me? I know your name, you’re always out there watching. And I know your pain, don’t let it end between us. Don’t think you’ve been compromised, I’ll shelter you with my disguise, I.. I speak your name, I’ll help you never forget. Weak as I am, I’m not too afraid to say to you, come what may. Just leave the channel on. I know there’s always hope for tomorrow and we will carry on. I’ll fight and I’ll be the hope for your sorrow. I speak your name. I know what you’ve seen and I know where you’ve been and I.. I’ll keep you safe, for I will follow you until the end. I’ve come this far and I’m not giving up, I’ll never stop. Cause I know you too well. Just leave the channel on. I know there’s always hope for tomorrow and we will carry on. I’ll fight and I’ll be the hope for your sorrow. Did you think I would lead you to her? Watch you dissolve her memories? You will never as long as I’m here, I swear, I will never succumb to fear. I will make sure she knows where to go. Hopeless it seems, yet I know. To the promise of forever I hold true, I’m taking her far away from you. Just leave the channel on. I know there’s always hope for tomorrow and we will carry on. I’ll fight and I’ll be the hope for your sorrow. Just leave the channel on. I know there’s a will and I won’t stop to follow, and carry on. I’ll be the hope for your sorrow. “The Lion’s Road“ Tracklist: 1. When All Lights Go Out 2. Blood From Stone 3. A Way Back 4. The Beginning of the End 5. Will You Find Me 6. Everdying Night 7. The Lion’s Road 8. Love Will Burn 9. Hope and the Sorrow 10. Throne Of Gold Part II – A Heartless Melody LINE-UP: Stefan Nykvist - Lead and backing vocals Jesper Lindbergh - Drums, rhythm guitar, keyboards, loops & soundscapes Daniel Lykkeklev - Bass, keyboards Peter Lundin - Lead and rhythm guitar SOCIAL MEDIA: THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! Shop our U.S. webstore: & EU webstore: Follow Our Spotify Playlists: Rock The World Long Live Metal New Melodic Rock Connect with Frontiers: Facebook - Facebook Group - Instagram - Twitter - Website - #FrontiersRecords
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