Scarlatti, Sonata in G major, K 455, piano, animated score

“Download?“ and other FAQ for Domenico Scarlatti’s Sonata in G major, K. 455, performed by Stephen Malinowski, accompanied by a scrolling bar-graph score. Q: Can I download this video to play on my iPod/iPad/iPhone/computer/etc.? A: Yes, you can get it here: Q: Where can I get the sheet music for this piece? A: Sheet music for this can be found here: This is from the Longo edition, I think; I recommend the Fadini “critical“ edition (published by Ricordi; expensive, but worth it). Q: Please tell me more about the composer. A: You can read about the composer here Q: What instrument are you playing? A: I’m playing a sampled instrument, Acoustica’s “Pianissimo.“ Q: What does K stand for? A: Ralph Kirkpatrick, who did a numbering of the sonatas; more about him here
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