Starlight 2 класс Урок 2 Страница 6. Упражнение 1. Алфавит
Starter Unit – Hello, Magic Friends!
To present/consolidate the English alphabet.
In this lesson the students will learn to understand:
• Who’s got (a – /±/) in their name?
In this lesson the students will learn to use:
• ant, bat, cap, duck, elf, flower, ghost, hat,
iguana, jaguar, koala, lion, mouse, nut, orange,
puppet, queen, rabbit, snail, tomato, umbrella,
violet, wizard, fox, yo-yo, zebra
Extra Materials
• The Alphabet poster for Presentation & Practice;
• slips of paper with the letters a-z and a bag for the
Ending the Lesson activity.
(An activity to revise the language taught in Lesson 1.)
Invite students, in pairs, to stand in front of the class
and introduce themselves to each other.
e.g. Student 1: Hello, I’m (Mary).
Student 2: Hello, I’m (Bill). etc.
(Activities to present and practise the English alphabet.)
1 Listen, point and say. (TRACK 04 CD1)
Students’ books closed. Pin the Alphabet poster on
the board. Point to the letter a and say: a – /±/. Invite
the students to repeat, chorally and individually. Then
write the word ant next to the letter a. Point to the letter
and the word and say: a – ant, /±/ – /±nt/. The
students repeat, chorally and individually. Finally, write
the letter A a again on the board so that the students
can see how both the capital and small letters are
formed. Repeat the same procedure
4 months ago 00:00:00 3
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