【憂×うなぎ】ラブポーション 踊ってみた【リモートコラボ!】 - Niconico Video sm38179995

This is the first collaboration! !! !! !! !! I collaborated with Unagi-chan, who I met before at the event, for the first time! It’s such a time, but you can collaborate remotely! That’s why I had you collaborate! I’m really happy! ** Yuu “I’m happy to collaborate! Thank you very much!“ Unagi “I’m really happy that I was able to dance with Yuu-chan in a remote collaboration (* ´∀ `) Thank you for inviting me!“ 楽曲本家様:INOSON様 sm18173673 振付参考様:マグナ×たろぉ様 sm27016470 踊ってる人たち 憂(左) mylist/45479132  co5124011 うなぎ(右) mylist/65330133 憂(うい) 02/03/2021 19:00 Views 448
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