Air and ground campaign against Germans near Bastogne (1945)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Allied bombers hit German targets while armoured columns relieve airborne troops Full Description: EUROPE: Various: EXT AEROPLANES . LANCASTERS bomb western front targets BOMBS C/U several leaving planes EXPLOSIONS . bomb western front targets Airforce - Active; Military - Active World War II, WWII, Second World War, war, World War Two, bomber command, 2nd tactical air force, formation, bombing run, daylight raid, high altitude bombing, targets, 101st airborne, Patton, armour, tanks, 4th armour division, C-47 Dakota, resupply, Allies, Allied Forces, Axis, aerials, air views Background: Allied bombers hit German targets while armoured columns relieve airborne troops FILM ID: VLVA7QY9577DQDMGZ676Z7M1GERWJ To license this film, visit
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