We meet. Poet of Israel. Marina Gribanova. Встречаем поэта Marina Gribanova, Israel.

Marina Gribanova, Israel She was born in 1968 in the Ural town of Kungur. Maiden name Tsudik, published under the pseudonym Mary Green since 2009. She spent her childhood in Ukraine, then moved to the north. Graduated from the Faculty of Acting and Art Criticism of the Murmansk State Pedagogical Institute (now the Murmansk Arctic State University). She worked at the school of arts as a teacher of theatrical skills, moonlighting at the theater. I have been living in Israel since 2000. She began to write poetry in the fifth grade, having become acquainted with Pushkin’s tales, she was fascinated by the beauty of poetic speech. After moving to Israel, under the influence of new impressions, she began to write philosophical poems, turned to landscape, love, urban lyrics. I have been published in magazines and almanacs since 2009. “Tsvetnye strochki“ magazine, “Pozitiv“ newspaper, literary-publicistic almanac “Mginskie bridges“, literary almanac “Ilf and Petrov“
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