191 J. S. Bach - Cantata Gloria in Excelsis Deo BWV 191

00:03 1. Gloria in excelsis Deo (Coro) 06:17 2. Gloria Patri et Filio (duetto) 10:18 3. Sicut erat in principio (Coro) 14:39 Interview Netherlands Bach Society CONDUCTOR Jos van Veldhoven SOPRANO I Maria Keohane SOPRANO II Michaela Riener ALTO Alex Potter TENOR Charles Daniels BASS Matthias Winckhler YEAR ca. 1743-46 CITY Leipzig LYRICIST Luke 2:14 and short doxology OCCASION Christmas day FIRST PERFORMANCE unknown, possibly on 25 December 1745 SPECIAL NOTES The music of all three movements originates from the Kyrie and Gloria in B minor, BWV 232a, which Bach was later to expand to a complete Mass in B minor, the ‘Hohe Messe’. This composition may have been prompted by the peace treaty between Saxony and Prussia, which was celebrated on Christmas day 1745 by a special service in St Paul’s Church at the university.
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