4th Doctoral SibFU Meeting: OpenDoors project

Dear international PhD and Master’s students, you are warmly welcomed to join our 4th monthly meeting of PHD SibFU Club members. This time our topic is the Russian Scholarship Project Open Doors, which has been successfully running for 5 years already. You will learn more about this project and as a result might want to use this valuable resource for your further education. The meting is scheduled for April 29, it starts at 4pm (local time, 4 hs Moscow time). The working language of the meeting is English. The Olympiad Open Doors: Russian Scholarship Project is organized by The Association of Global Universities, in collaboration with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States Affairs, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudichestvo). Moderator: Ms Olga Kuznetsova, International Recruitment Office Speakers: Dr Olga Grigorieva, Head of Doctoral & Post-Doctoral
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