The Duke In New Guinea (1956)

Gabensis, Australian New Guinea. SV. The Duke of Edinburgh going past, standing in Land Rover as he arrives at the New Guinean village Gabensis near Lae for dancing. Land Rover stops and he steps from it to go over to the dais. SV. Group of tribesmen in their dancing regalia looking at the Duke and pan to the Duke addressing them from the dais. Tribesmen wearing birds of paradise feathers. GV. The village, with mass of dancers assembled. CU. Pan of shuffling feet, tilt up to line of dancers beating drums which they are holding. SV. Dancers jigging around. CU. Line of tribesmen with all their head regalia on, beating on drums which they are holding. SV. Group playing drums. They have bones stuck through their noses. CU. Pan, man with bone through his nose as he jigs around, pan to another man also dancing. SV. Prince Philip watching from dais, with his hand on his hip. SCU. Group of dancers going by beating drums. SV. Impressive looking man with terrific head-dress - has plumage all along the top of it, and
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