Cast spells on Dormant minions? | Hearth Tech#265

00:00 Intro Cast spells on Dormant minions? 00:13 Test1 Faceless Corruptor restores full Health for Baroness Vashj. 00:58 Test2 Tome Tampering and Astral Communion discard your hand in random order. 01:38 Test3 Mindbreaker doesn’t work when fighting against AI in New Player Ranks. 02:04 Test4 Immolate is bugged with copied cards. 03:19 Test5 Hollow Abomination can gain Attack when it Honorable Kills a hero. 04:06 Test6 Some Choose-One minions can target Dormant minions. 04:41 Test7 What happens if you cast spells on Dormant minions? 06:13 Outro BGM:Pulsefire Caitlyn Twitter: #Hearthstone
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