Plagues - Timeless

Plagues - ’Timeless’ Available from all major music stores and streaming services. This release is about the journey Osorio has undertaken, which has gone on for as long as he can remember. He expresses his frustration with the his unnaturally long existence and how isolating that is for him. It also expands on the lore of Plagues and Osorio by explaining why he has the appearance you see now. As time has moved on, Osorio’s memory of who he is fades, thus the decayed appearance. (LYRICS) Lost, I have forgotten who I was The faded memories of a futile cause. Forever, This path remains untrodden My mind wreathed in time so rotten. Vast oceans of despair Buried hope, and benign prayer. A lost relic of a broken past. Profane being, the first and the last. Soulless shores, endless walls Within my mind, I eternally fall. Darkened streams, tortured screams I seek the truth inside my dreams. Timeless - there is no going back, there will be no return, condemned to walk until I burn. Timeless - there is no going back, my mind so broken, from the words I left unspoken Vast oceans of despair Buried hope, and benign prayer. A lost relic of a broken past. Profane being, the first and the last. I am forever Timeless I am forever Timeless I am forever Timeless Join us - We Are The Cleansing, We Are Plagues #WeAreTheCleansing​ Spotify: Apple Music: YouTube: ​ We Are The Cleansing Community: Merchandise: Patreon subscribers gain a range of benefits, including receiving every release early and for no additional cost. Click the link below to find out more:
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