Unissued / unused material.
Night life in Berlin following surrender of Germany.
Various shots woman dancing in a small night club to an audience of civilians and soldiers, behind her a band plays. Various shots female contortionist performing at same venue.
Various shots by day of castle / cathedral in ruins. Various shots people sitting outside cafe. Various shots woman in kitchen, she lays out food on the table (could be to show the meagre food rations Germans were living on).
More shots of performers in night club: we see a trio of Cossack dancers. Various C/Us people in the night club. We see British and Soviet soldiers, lots of glamorous civilian women and waiters working.
More shots ruined buildings by day. Several interior shots ruined offices. L/S large lake with sailing dinghies on. Various shots soldiers in canoes, a girl films them with her cine camera.
Various shots outdoor cafe and dance floor surrounded by ruined buildings. An orchestra accompanies the dancers. The
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