Damien Rice - Look at me - new 2012

Damien rice look at me Canciones de cuna (Lullabies) from Argentina The objective of this project is that the kids find in music a place for expression and production. All lyrics on this CD were written by children of 7-21 years. We worked with over 150 kids so that from each workshop (theater, music, visual arts and visual arts) the kids write, text, songs, ideas, stories related to dreams, to which they ever sang, to what they would like to sing to their children. To the musicians who participated in this project we suggested that, with these letters compose and perform a song thinking about how they sing the lyrics to their children. Something simple, small, a lullaby. Esta canción es parte del CD “canciones de cuna“. Este trabajo es realizado por la ONG “Casa de la cultura de la calle“ que propone un espacio creativo destinado a niños, niñas y adolescentes en riesgo social. Todas las letras fueron escrita
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