Portal ’80s Commercial

CHECK OUT the other RETRO COMMERCIAL we discovered HERE! Recently I was sorting through some of my old VHSs, looking for recordings of the first few minutes of Spice Channel movies, (you know, before the feed would get all scrambled) when I stumbled upon a caché of ’80s cartoons I must have taped one Saturday morning as a kid. Immediately, I put my pants back on and began to revisit my childhood (except for the pants part). Lo and behold, there were all my old friends: Garfield and Friends, Spiderman and his Amazing Friends, Gobots... Though, truth be told, I wasn’t nearly as interested in the cartoons as I was in the commercials that bookended them. Yeah, we’ve all been to , but some of these ads really tore open the floodgates of my memory. Like most of you, I’m a hardcore gamer, but I prefer my games aged twenty years or more. So when I saw two of the all-time rarest commercials f
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