James Hinkle – Fall Of A Lifetime

Uploaded By ► Red Grey Matter ’’Enjoy Your Day’’ Buy Album ’’Some Day’’ ➥ by James Hinkle #Blues, Texas Style, Release Date 2008, About, James Hinkle Don’t tar James Hinkle with that “bluesman“ brush. Sure, the guitarist and singer is one of the last active links to Fort Worth blues godfather Robert Ealey. Hinkle was just 18 when his mentor, guitarist Freddie Cisneros, pushed him onstage with Ealey at the singer’s legendary New Bluebird Nite Club with the injunction, “Play rhythm guitar!“ But there’s a lot more to his music than 12-bar shuffles. Like great Texas musicians Clarence “Gatemouth“ Brown and Doug Sahm, Hinkle finds his influences everywhere, and recombines them as he pleases. Following art studies at the University of Texas in Austin and a succession of his own bands, Hinkle toured with New Orleans-rooted singer-pianist Marcia Ball, absorbing the intricacies of Crescent City rhy
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