ALTERATION 05/visual art by Maria Malinina. Official video

The young son of the king of Sparta - Hyacinth was so beautiful that he could compare his beauty with the Olympian gods. He was patronized by the god of the south wind Zephyr and Apollo. They often visited their friend on the banks of the Eurotas in Sparta, hunted in densely overgrown forests, and had fun in sports, in which the Spartans were unusually skilled. Once Apollo and Hyacinth competed in discus throwing. It was impossible to give preference to any of the athletes - Hyacinth performed no worse than a god. Straining his last strength, Apollo threw the disk under the very clouds, and Zephyr, thirsting for the victory of his friend, blew so hard that the disk hit Hyacinth in the face, mortally wounding him. Apollo, saddened by the death of a young man, turned drops of his blood into wonderful flowers so that his memory would live among people. Directed by Maria Malinina Music - Model - Olesya Giley Stilist - Alena Platays Support - IVA
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