Marianne Williamson: We Need A 21st Century Economic Bill of Rights

We need more than a piecemeal, incremental approach to repairing this country. We need a new vision. We need fundamental economic reform. We need a 21st Century Economic Bill of Rights. Shortly before he died, President Franklin Roosevelt asked the American people what they wanted after the war. They wanted health care. They wanted education. They wanted housing. They wanted a livable wage. And what Americans wanted then, Americans want now. Roosevelt would have given it to them, and to the best of my ability so will I. We need more than a piecemeal, incremental approach to repairing this country. Poll after poll shows Americans feel that we are moving in the wrong direction. Why is that? Because we are. We can turn around. We absolutely can. But we have to make it happen. Please listen to my speech on May 18th, tell your friends about it, and donate to the campaign so we can further the movement that is going to make it so. Join the movement and donate at
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